Malawi: A factory in Mzimba Turns Wood Waste into Cooking Briquettes

Malawi’s Minister of Forestry and Natural Resources, Nancy Tembo, is inaugurating a new plant in the Mzimba district of Malawi. The facility built by Raiply Malawi converts wood waste into briquettes for domestic cooking.

The new facility was commissioned on August 20th, 2021, at a ceremony presided over by Malawi’s Minister of Forestry and Natural Resources, Nancy Tembo. The plant is capable of processing up to 60 metric tonnes of wood waste (sawdust) into briquettes for domestic cooking per day, creating 61 direct jobs.

Raiply Malawi implemented the project in Mzimba, a district in northern Malawi. The Lilongwe-based company received US$1 million from the Malawian government, or more than 814.2 million Malawian kwachas, for the entire project. According to Raiply Malawi, the Mzimba waste wood processing plant will help preserve the Chikangawa forest. Still known as the Viphya plantation, this forest is being rapidly depleted for various reasons, including deforestation for domestic cooking fuels. Several other parts of Malawi are experiencing the same problem.

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