The COMESA Regional Investment Agency (RIA)

Launched in 2006, the COMESA Regional Investment Agency (RIA) is the Common Market for Eastern and Southern Africa (COMESA) institution charged with: 

  • Promoting COMESA as a leading destination for regional and international investment; 
  • Promoting investment into COMESA Member States; and 
  • Supporting COMESA member investment promotion agencies (IPAs) and stakeholders to strengthen their marketing, lead generation, investor facilitation and advocacy activities and goals. 


COMESA RIA activities are aligned in advancing the COMESA’s ultimate objective of consolidating a fully integrated and internationally competitive regional economic community for the sustainable economic development of the region and its Member States. 

COMESA RIA provides a platform for the private sector to interact with COMESA Governments and a such, proactively links investor interests with corresponding COMESA Member States’ main investment promotion stakeholders.

What we do and how we do it 

Promoting the COMESA region and its Member States as attractive investment destinations

Organize international investment forums; partner with international investment related conferences and trade fairs to secure COMESA NIPA´s participation or exhibit; organize and carry out investment roadshows for member NIPAs to target markets; Promote business and investment related conferences held in COMESA Member States; and disseminate investment related and other relevant news;  and implement regional and country specific social media campaigns.

Main COMESA RIA executed promotion initiatives:

Investment roadshows to Egypt, Saudi Arabia, Bahrain, UAE, Chuna, India

10 high-level internationally reputable investment forums

24 digital marketing campaigns to promote COMESA as on attractive investment destinations

Investment roadshows to Egypt, Saudi Arabia, Bahrain, UAE, Chuna, India

10 high-level internationally reputable investment forums

24 digital marketing campaigns to promote COMESA as on attractive investment destinations

Acting as an Information Hub for FDI Stakeholders

Provide detailed information on legislation and policies affecting the business environment, the cost of doing business, investment incentives, investment procedures, investment opportunities and projects, major events affecting investment and other investment relevant information.

Main COMESA RIA periodic publications include:

COMESA Investment Teaser ( 350+ investment opportunites)

COMESA Investment Handbook ( 3 editions)

Practical Guides to Doing Business in COMESA Member States

COMESA Investment Teaser ( 350+ investment opportunites)

COMESA Investment Handbook ( 3 editions)

Practical Guides to Doing Business in COMESA Member States

Capacity Building for COMESA Member States’ NIPAs

Mobilize financial resources from various regional and international cooperating partners (WB, EU, BADEA, IDB, etc.) to implement institutional transformation programmes and conduct national and regional capacity building workshops for COMESA NIPAs and relevant COMESA member government officials on best practices in FDI promotion. Through these capacity building initiatives, RIA contributes to improving the business and investment climate of Member States.   

COMESA RIA´s capacity building activities have yielded:

1000+ officials have benefitted from capacity building iniatitives

60+ national and regional workshops benefiting all COMESA NIPAs

30+ webinars to support member NIPAs navigate during and post-COVID

1000+ officials have benefitted from capacity building iniatitives

60+ national and regional workshops benefiting all COMESA NIPAs

30+ webinars to support member NIPAs navigate during and post-COVID

To cooperate in the creation of an enabling environment for foreign, cross- border and domestic investment and in the joint promotion of research and adaptation of science and technology for development

To attain sustainable growth and development of the Member States by promoting a more balanced and harmonious development of its production and marketing structures

To cooperate in the creation of an enabling environment for foreign, cross- border and domestic investment and in the joint promotion of research and adaptation of science and technology for development

To promote joint development in all fields of economic activity and the joint adoption of macro-economic policies and programmes to raise the standard of living of its peoples and to foster closer relations among its members states

To cooperate in the promotion of peace, security, and stability among the Member States in order to enhance the economic development in the region

To contribute towards the establishment, progress, and the realisation of the objectives of the African Economic Community


Dr. Moses Ikiara

Chairman - COMESA Regional Investment Agency Board of Directors

Ms. Lisiniaina Razafindrakoto

Ms. Lisiniaina Razafindrakoto

Acting Managing Director, Economic Development Board of Madagascar

Vice Chairman - COMESA Regional Investment Agency Board of Directors

Mr.  Ken Poonoosamy

Mr. Ken Poonoosamy

CEO, Economic Development Board – Mauritius

Board Member - COMESA Regional Investment Agency Board of Directors

Mr. Anthony Nkinzo Kamole

Mr. Anthony Nkinzo Kamole

Managing Director, DRC National Investment Promotion Agency (ANAPI).

Board Member - COMESA Regional Investment Agency Board of Directors

Mr. Samson Ndayizeye

Mr. Samson Ndayizeye

Permanent Secretary, Ministry of Trade, Industry and Tourism, Burundi

Board Member - COMESA Regional Investment Agency Board of Directors


Mrs. Heba Salama

Mrs. Heba Salama

Chief Executive Officer
Mahmoud Mahgoub

Mahmoud Mahgoub

Research Analyst
Maged El Kamhawy

Maged El Kamhawy

Finance Officer
Engy Abdel Hady

Engy Abdel Hady

Marketing Officer





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The COMESA Regional Investment Agency (RIA)

Launched in 2006, the COMESA Regional Investment Agency (RIA) is the Common Market for Eastern and Southern Africa (COMESA) institution charged with: 

  • Promoting COMESA as a leading destination for regional and international investment; 
  • Promoting investment into COMESA Member States; and 
  • Supporting COMESA member investment promotion agencies (IPAs) and stakeholders to strengthen their marketing, lead generation, investor facilitation and advocacy activities and goals. 


COMESA RIA activities are aligned in advancing the COMESA’s ultimate objective of consolidating a fully integrated and internationally competitive regional economic community for the sustainable economic development of the region and its Member States. 

COMESA RIA provides a platform for the private sector to interact with COMESA Governments and a such, proactively links investor interests with corresponding COMESA Member States’ main investment promotion stakeholders.

What we do and how we do it 

Promoting the COMESA region and its Member States as attractive investment destinations

Organize international investment forums; partner with international investment related conferences and trade fairs to secure COMESA NIPA´s participation or exhibit; organize and carry out investment roadshows for member NIPAs to target markets; Promote business and investment related conferences held in COMESA Member States; and disseminate investment related and other relevant news;  and implement regional and country specific social media campaigns.

Main COMESA RIA executed promotion initiatives:

Investment roadshows to Egypt, Saudi Arabia, Bahrain, UAE, Chuna, India

10 high-level internationally reputable investment forums

24 digital marketing campaigns to promote COMESA as on attractive investment destinations

Investment roadshows to Egypt, Saudi Arabia, Bahrain, UAE, Chuna, India

10 high-level internationally reputable investment forums

24 digital marketing campaigns to promote COMESA as on attractive investment destinations

Acting as an Information Hub for FDI Stakeholders

Provide detailed information on legislation and policies affecting the business environment, the cost of doing business, investment incentives, investment procedures, investment opportunities and projects, major events affecting investment and other investment relevant information.

Main COMESA RIA periodic publications include:

COMESA Investment Teaser ( 350+ investment opportunites)

COMESA Investment Handbook ( 3 editions)

Practical Guides to Doing Business in COMESA Member States

COMESA Investment Teaser ( 350+ investment opportunites)

COMESA Investment Handbook ( 3 editions)

Practical Guides to Doing Business in COMESA Member States

Capacity Building for COMESA Member States’ NIPAs

Mobilize financial resources from various regional and international cooperating partners (WB, EU, BADEA, IDB, etc.) to implement institutional transformation programmes and conduct national and regional capacity building workshops for COMESA NIPAs and relevant COMESA member government officials on best practices in FDI promotion. Through these capacity building initiatives, RIA contributes to improving the business and investment climate of Member States.   

COMESA RIA´s capacity building activities have yielded:

1000+ officials have benefitted from capacity building iniatitives

60+ national and regional workshops benefiting all COMESA NIPAs

30+ webinars to support member NIPAs navigate during and post-COVID

1000+ officials have benefitted from capacity building iniatitives

60+ national and regional workshops benefiting all COMESA NIPAs

30+ webinars to support member NIPAs navigate during and post-COVID

To cooperate in the creation of an enabling environment for foreign, cross- border and domestic investment and in the joint promotion of research and adaptation of science and technology for development

To attain sustainable growth and development of the Member States by promoting a more balanced and harmonious development of its production and marketing structures

To cooperate in the creation of an enabling environment for foreign, cross- border and domestic investment and in the joint promotion of research and adaptation of science and technology for development

To promote joint development in all fields of economic activity and the joint adoption of macro-economic policies and programmes to raise the standard of living of its peoples and to foster closer relations among its members states

To cooperate in the promotion of peace, security, and stability among the Member States in order to enhance the economic development in the region

To contribute towards the establishment, progress, and the realisation of the objectives of the African Economic Community


Dr. Moses Ikiara

Chairman - COMESA Regional Investment Agency Board of Directors

Ms. Lisiniaina Razafindrakoto

Ms. Lisiniaina Razafindrakoto

Acting Managing Director, Economic Development Board of Madagascar

Vice Chairman - COMESA Regional Investment Agency Board of Directors

Mr.  Ken Poonoosamy

Mr. Ken Poonoosamy

CEO, Economic Development Board – Mauritius

Board Member - COMESA Regional Investment Agency Board of Directors

Mr. Anthony Nkinzo Kamole

Mr. Anthony Nkinzo Kamole

Managing Director, DRC National Investment Promotion Agency (ANAPI).

Board Member - COMESA Regional Investment Agency Board of Directors

Mr. Samson Ndayizeye

Mr. Samson Ndayizeye

Permanent Secretary, Ministry of Trade, Industry and Tourism, Burundi

Board Member - COMESA Regional Investment Agency Board of Directors


Mrs. Heba Salama

Mrs. Heba Salama

Chief Executive Officer
Mahmoud Mahgoub

Mahmoud Mahgoub

Research Analyst
Maged El Kamhawy

Maged El Kamhawy

Finance Officer
Engy Abdel Hady

Engy Abdel Hady

Marketing Officer