The first cohort of over 52 representatives of Zambian companies has arrived in the Democratic Republic of Congo (DRC) ready to talk business with their Congolese business counterparts.

The delegation is led by Zambia Development Agency (ZDA ) Acting Director General Albert Halwampa, ZDA Director Enterprise Development Gabriel Musentekwa, ZDA Acting Director Export Development Obby Banda, Embassy of Finland Trade and Economic Adviser Jenna Kirkkari, Accelerated Growth for Micro, Small and Medium sized Enterprises in Zambia ( AGS Programme) Business Partnership Expert Anna Erkkila.

DA Export Development Specialist Chisenga Lufungulo and other ZDA officers made sure the samples/products to be showcased by the Zambian companies at the exhibition, crossed the border safely. The trade mission is slated for October 20 to 22, 2021.

The companies are in DR Congo, courtesy of ZDA, Government of Finland through the Accelerated Growth for Micro Small and Medium sized Enterprises in Zambia Programme, ABSA Bank Zambia PLC and Federation des Entreprises du Congo, to secure market access for their products. The Zambian companies will have business to business meetings with the Congolese and also showcase their products at the exhibition.

Permanent Secretary in the Ministry of Commerce, Trade and Industry Mushuma Mulenga, Finnish Ambassador to Zambia, Zimbabwe, Malawi and Democratic Republic of Congo Pirjo Suomela Chowdhury, AGS Programme Team Leader Gareth Evans, representatives from ABSA Bank PLC have also joined the delegation.

The aim of the trade mission is to secure market access for Zambian products.

The DR Congo Trade Mission is part of the implementation of the N8+1 Export Strategy to increase non traditional exports (NTEs) in the region, particularly in the low hanging fruit markets of DR Congo, Angola and South Africa.

Orginal Article Link: https://zambiareports.com/2021/10/20/52-zambian-businesses-drc-trade/

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Baraka Hydroelectric Plant

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Modern General Hospital for South-Ubangi

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Kawambwa Tea Estate

PROJECT DESCRIPTION: Re-financing of Kawambwa Tea Industries (KTI) for the acquisition of a modern processing plant, initiation of an out-grower scheme and the expansion of KTI’s existing plantation. PROJECT LOCATION: Kawambwa District, Luapula Province, Zambia LEAD AGENCY/PROJECT PROMOTER: Industrial Development Corporation (IDC) CURRENT STATUS/ STAGE OF PROJECT: Brownfield ACTION REQUIRED/ IMPLEMENTATION: Partners IMPLEMENTATION ARRANGEMENTS/ CONTRACT…

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Milenge Fingerling Production Project

PROJECT DESCRIPTION: The main objective of this project is to improve the supply of fingerlings in Zambia. In 2020, it was estimated that 219 million fingerlings were produced and distributed. However, the national demand now stands at 305 million, leaving a shortfall of 86 million fingerlings. PROJECT LOCATION: Milenge District, Luapula Province, Zambia LEAD AGENCY/PROJECT…

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Lufubu Hydropower Plant

PROJECT DESCRIPTION: Construction of a cascade of three power plants along the Lufubu River with an installed capacity of 163 MW PROJECT LOCATION: Mpulungu and Nsama Districts, Northern Province, Zambia LEAD AGENCY/PROJECT PROMOTER: Lufubu Power Company Limited CURRENT STATUS/ STAGE OF PROJECT: Greenfield ACTION REQUIRED/ IMPLEMENTATION: Partners IMPLEMENTATION ARRANGEMENTS/ CONTRACT TYPE: FDI through Minority stake…

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Fish Cage Farming Project on Lake Chinweshiba

PROJECT DESCRIPTION: This project aims to meet the demand for fish and to prevent the depletion of traditional fish species in their natural environment. It involves the establishment of an additional production facility and purchase of new machinery and equipment. The hatchery ponds have already been constructed, including ponds for the initial reception of fingerlings…

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